We are here to help you get to the root cause of your ill health and support your body with it's own natural healing ability.

*Can't lose weight
*Can't sleep
*Foul-smelling gas

*Reduced appetite
*Poor immunity
*Heart palpitations

*Sugar cravings
*Sensitivity to cold
*Frequent urination
*Thinning hair

*Shortness of breath
*Dry skin
*Sneezing attacks
*Emotional struggles
*Dry mouth

Going to doctor after doctor can be frustrating, especially if all you're getting is diagnoses and not real answers. When I hit rock bottom and received my 5th medical diagnosis, I decided enough was enough! I was tired of being a "hot mess". I chose to find a better way and that answer was found through learning how to live more holistically, eating real foods, and still being able to enjoy life with all of its blessings.

Get off the Hot Mess Express

I've helped many of those who were looking for answers to overcoming their health concerns. I've educated them on why their body is having symptoms and guided them towards what their body needs. I would love the opportunity to help you too.

Getting started is as simple as 1, 2, 3

Complete the intake form

Schedule your free consultation

Discover what your body is saying

For years I have dealt with tiredness, headaches, and generally not feeling well

Stephanie Hinkle

In the three months I have been seeing April Martinez, I have seen a dramatic difference in my overall health. For years I have dealt with tiredness, headaches, and generally not feeling well most days. April was able to quickly identify multiple problems within my body and give me a holistic plan to begin addressing those issues. I started with a very large number of problem areas throughout my body. Changes to my diet combined with natural supplements have completely changed how I feel both physically and mentally! The tools April is giving me through our sessions are not only benefiting me, but my family as well and I am grateful for her loving, supportive approach to helping people become healthier and happier!

Take control of your life through our customized health program

Wellness Consultation using Nutrition Response Therapy testing to identify weaknesses in the body to develop a customized program specific to your needs.

Additional Health Services

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About the Founder

"We are all unique in our needs so why try to fit everyone into the same box?" - April Martinez, ND

I still remember the day I finally broke.

I decided that day I would never be in that state again. There were only 2 options left for me, death or making a change. So I chose change and moving forward.

As I started moving forward, I discovered how many things from my past had to come together in my life to create the current chaos my body was in. Years of emotional, physical and sexual abuse added to the Standard American Diet, topped off with a family situation of drugs and alcohol created the perfect storm.

I had no guidance or tools when I began my journey so I decided to take my health into my own hands by starting to research natural methods in healing. After years of following the programs that stated "Everybody should do this!" such as Whole 30 and essential oils, I kept getting worse and worse until I found Naturopathy, the system that works with the whole person and not the "thing" that they are struggling with. This philosophy of healing is what saved my life and, in return, can help save yours.

Welcome to the space I created just for you.

You do not need to do this alone.

You can have guidance and support.

We are here for you!