Dealing with heartburn can be uncomfortable, but there are natural approaches that can help without relying on medication.

Understanding Heartburn
Heartburn happens when stomach acid flows back into the throat, causing a burning feeling in the chest. Natural approaches aim to address the root causes of heartburn and promote overall digestive health, providing lasting relief.

The Power of Enzymes
Enzymes are important for digestion as they break down food into smaller pieces that our bodies can handle. Taking enzyme supplements before meals can improve digestion and reduce the strain on the stomach, potentially easing heartburn symptoms. Look for enzyme blends that contain protease, amylase, lipase, and other enzymes for the best results.

Dr. Bernard Jensen, a well-known holistic health expert, believed that combining certain foods properly can improve digestion. He suggested avoiding mixing proteins and starches in the same meal. Proteins need an acidic environment to break down, while starches require an alkaline environment. Combining them can lead to poor digestion and potential heartburn.

Dr. Jensen recommended eating proteins with non-starchy vegetables and consuming starches with vegetables or healthy fats. Separating these food groups allows for better digestion and may help prevent heartburn.

Learn more about Dr. Jensen’s 6-2-1-1 eating plan here.

Other Natural Ways to Relieve Heartburn
In addition to enzymes and Dr. Bernard Jensen’s ideas, here are a few more natural approaches to ease heartburn:

  • Mindful Eating: Take your time to chew your food thoroughly and eat slowly. This helps kickstart the digestion process and reduces the chances of heartburn. This also gives the brain time to let you know when you are full and reduces other digestion stress, such as bloating.
  • Herbal Remedies: Try herbal teas or supplements known for their soothing properties, such as chamomile, ginger, or marshmallow root. These herbs can calm the digestive system and provide relief from heartburn.
  • Lifestyle Adjustments: Maintain a healthy weight, avoid trigger foods, eat smaller meals more frequently, and elevate the head of your bed to reduce nighttime heartburn.
  • Stress Management: Incorporate stress-relieving practices into your daily routine, such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or engaging in activities you enjoy. Managing stress effectively can help reduce heartburn symptoms.

The Risks of Medication
While over-the-counter medications like Tums or Rolaids may provide temporary relief from heartburn symptoms, prolonged and excessive use can have many risks. These medications work by neutralizing stomach acid, but they can disrupt the natural digestive process and may lead to issues like nutrient deficiencies or reducing the body’s ability to continue producing the acid needed for protein assimilation.

By incorporating natural approaches into your routine, you can effectively manage heartburn symptoms without relying on medication. Enzymes, along with Dr. Bernard Jensen’s food combining principles, offer valuable tools for supporting digestion and reducing heartburn. Remember to listen to your body, make mindful food choices, and embrace a holistic approach for your overall well-being.